Friday, April 27, 2012


General Trouble Shooting
Problem causes
Probable Solution

No display in computer screen

1) Loose connection of monitor cable with display card.
2) Display card not fixed properly in memory slots
3) Memory chips not fixed properly in memory slots
4) Processor not fixed properly in CPU slots
5) Resolution of monitor is set up in very high resolution which is not supported by your monitor. (in win 95/98 program)
6) May be due to defect of display card.
7) Power supply does not supply prepare voltage.
8) May due to defective monitor.
9) Mother board defected.
10) Sometime due to reverse connection of data cable with HDD (Data cable nfO{ pN6f] hf]8]df)
1) Connect monitor cable properly with display card port.
2) Fix display card properly in display card slots and check for display.
3) Fix memory chips properly in memory slots and recheck for display.
4) Fix processor properly and check for display
5) Start your in computer in safe mode and reduce the resolution set up then check.
6) Change display card and check.
7) Change power supply and check for display.
8) Check display by fitting on the working monitor, if so, repair your monitor.
9) Check by changing your mother board. If so, change your board.
10) Due to this reason display problem comes rarely still check for it by checking connection of HDD.
Display comes but not clear as required or expected

1) Improper installation of display driver. Due to high resolution setting of monitor which is not supported by monitor. 
1) Check for installed display driver if it is not same with your display card chipset that install exact display driver which is same your display card chipset.
2) Restart your computer in safe mode and set resolution in low order.
Continues beeping sound comes when computer is switched on and display doesn't come.

1)    Memory chips do not fix properly in memory slots.
2)     Memory slots in mother board is defective.
1)    Check for it and if so, fix properly and restart your computer for elimination of sound and display
2)    For that you may have to change your motherboard
3)    Check and fix it properly, and check either the problem is solved or not
4)    Check by changing your display card. If the problem is solved change your display card.
Floppy drives power LED glows continuously and FDD does not work

1) Data cable of FDD may have fitted reverse direction

1) Check it and connect data cable in proper direction.

FDD error

(Floppy Disk Error)
1)  Data cable of FDD may have fitted in reverse direction
2)  Power supply port is not fitted in FDD
3)  I/O card loose fitting or I/O card may be defective.
1)     Check it and connect data cable in proper direction
2)     Check and connect power port of FDD
3)     Check and do necessary (change I/O card if it is found defective.
FDD not reading

1)    Diskette you are using may be defective
2)    Improper setting of FDD type in CMOS utility program
3)    Data ;to dirt inside FDD (contaminitation in read/write head of FDD)
4)    FDD read/writes head etc. may damage.
1)    Check by changing your good quality diskette.
2)    Check Fdd type in CMOI Program and it is does not match set it with proper type of FDD.
3)    Clean FDD head by FDD cleaning diskette and check
4)    Lubricant moving assembly and check
5)    For it you have to change your FDD
Hard Disk Drive (HDD) fail

1)    Data cable not connected properly
2)    Data cable connected in reverse side
3)    Power cable not connected HDD
4)    I/O card loosely connected (in 486, 686 etc. model computer)
5)    Improper jumper setting HDD (for Master and Slave)
6)    Improper setting of HDD type in CMOS
7)    HDD may have damaged/crashed itself.
1)    Check for loose connection and restart your computer for verification
2)    Check it and if so, connect it in proper direction
3)    Proper direction
4)    Connect power cable to power connector port of HDD
5)    Fix I/O card properly
6)    Define properly HDD type in CMOS setup
7)    Check and fix jumper in proper way
8)    If HDD has been crashed you can listen some unusual sound form your computer check properly then change your if it has crashed.
Memory fetch fail
1)   Due to improper fixing memory chips ;in memory slots
2)   Due to mismatching of memory chips (different types memory chips used)
3)   Due to defect of memory slots in motherboard
4)   Defected memory chips
1)   Fix memory chips properly
2)   Use same type of memory chips
3)   If memory slots is damaged must probably you have to change your motherboard
4)   For that you have to change memory chips
Processor does not detected properly (eg. speed of processor etc)

1)   Improper jumper setting of motherboard in 486 and old models of Pentium Motherboards
2)   Improper selection/speed of setting of CPU in CMOS utility program
3)   Motherboard may not supported your rated CPU
1)   Refer manual of motherboard and set jumper properly
2)   Set selection/speed of CPU in CMOS utility program properly
3)   You can very it by studying motherboard manual, if so change your motherboard which support your CPU
Computer Restart itself

1)   Power supply unit does not regulate voltage properly
2)   May be due to voltage in fluctuation
3)   Memory modules may be defective
4)   HDD is full with data and programs
5)   Mother board may be defective
6)   CPU cooler is not working properly
7)   Processor may be defective
1)   Check output for power supply port and if found so, repair power supply or change it
2)   If voltage fluctuation is very high in your house battery to use voltage regulator and UPS
3)   Change memory modules
4)   Delete your unnecessary files and data in your drive and vacant some space in your drive
5)   Change your motherboard
Computer hang problem

1)   Improper settings of peripherals in CMOS
2)   Virus infection in your programs and documents
3)   Memory may be defective of mismatch of memory modules
4)   Conflict of one peripheral with other peripherals
5)   Due to improper power out put from power supply port
6)   Improper installation of drives of peripherals
7)   Insufficient memory in our systems per required by your programs
8)   Insufficient disk space in your HDD
9)   CPU collar not working properly
10)Due to motherboard
11) Not compatible peripherals with motherboard used (e.g. sound card, display card, modem etc.)
12) Mismatching of VRAM and PCI display card
13) May be corrupted programs files. Or programs installed improperly
14) Bad Sector in HDD
15) Due to few specific games and software installed in your computer
16) Due to defective mouse and keyboard
17) Desktop resolution of monitor set in higher range
1)   Set all parameters properly in CMOS
2)   Scan your all drives latest Virus scanner
3)   Use Same types of memory modules and change them that we are found defective
4)   Check it in your device manager menu and try to remove conflict by installing proper drivers, changing IRQ setting etc.
5)   Check it repair your power supply or change it
6)   Install proper drives of peripherals
7)   Upgrade your memory to which capacity as per required by your program
8)   If there is no sufficient free space in your HDD, that also your computer may hang for that delete unnecessary programs in your disk and make space free to run programs
9)   Change your CPU collar
10)  Change your motherboard
11)  Use compatible cards
12)  Use matching type of VRAM
13)  Reinstall program properly
14)  Try to remove bad sectors by software program otherwise change your drive
15)  Remove those programs
16)  Change your keyboard and mouse
17)  Change that setting in lower order

Computer slow problem

1)    Insufficient memory required by your programs
2)    In sufficient free disk space in your hard disk
3)    Due to virus infection
4)    Lower speed processor in your system
5)    Too many programs in your same time
6)    Lost of program kept in start up
7)    Cache memory disable in CMOS program
8)    Low video memory in display card
1)    Upgrade your memory
2)    Delete unnecessary files and programs otherwise change your drive
3)    Scan your drive with least virus scanner
4)    Upgrade to latest model of processor
5)    Do not run too many programs at the same time
6)    Remove few programs start up
7)    Enabled cache memory in CMOS
8)    Use display card with high video memory
Mouse hand (no defection of mouse)

1)    Conflict in computer ports settings
2)    Cables for ports not connected properly in motherboard
3)    Dust to conflict in COM ports
4)    Mouse defective
1)    Install computer ports properly
2)    Connect cables properly
3)    Service it properly
4)    Change your mouse
Modem not working

1)   Modem not connected properly
2)   Due to conflict in COM ports
3)   Modem driver not installed properly
4)   Conflict with other devices
1)   Connect Modem properly
2)   Configure COM ports properly like mouse ctc.
3)   Install modem driver properly
4)   Try to remove conflict by changing IRQ setting
Sound not coming or sound coming but not as expected quality

1)   Connection of sound card with speaker is not proper
2)   Due to conflict in COM Ports
3)   Conflict with other devices
4)   Connect speaker properly
5)   Fix sound card properly
6)   Install sound card driver properly
7)   Try to remove conflict by changing IRQ settings.
CD-ROM drive not working

1)    Improper jumper setting
2)    Dirt in lens of drive
3)    Driver software cannot installed properly
4)    Due to improper connection of data cable in between hard disk and CD-ROM drive
5)    Power cable not connected properly in the drive
6)    CD-ROM drive defect itself
1)    Set jumper properly
2)    Clean drive with lens cleaner CD
3)    Install driver properly
4)    Connect cable properly
5)    Connect power cable properly
6)    Change the drive
CD's not reading properly in drive

1)    Due to scratched CD
2)    Lens of driver is dirty
3)    Speed of driver is low
4)    Due to defect of drive
5)    Lens of drive function partially
1)    Use good quality CD
2)    Clean with lens cleaner CD
3)    Use high speed drive
4)    Change the drive
Video CD's not playing properly (jockey picture, hang etc.)

1)    Video memory and display card is less
2)     Not enough free space in HDD
3)    No MMX technology in CPU
4)    Sing peg is not installed
5)    Display card does not function properly for VCD
6)    VCD not reading properly by CD ROM Drive
1)    Use display card with the high capacity video memory (at least 4 MB etc.)
2)    Delete unnecessary files in HDD and make more space free
3)    Use CPU with MMX technology
4)    Install Xing peg
5)    Change display card
6)    Change with good quality CD
7)    Change CD ROM Drive
Printer does not print

1)   Printer drive not installed properly
2)   Connection of printer cable may loose
3)   Printer port cable may looser may be connected reversibly in motherboard. (or I/O card is loosely fitted 486, 686 computer)
4)   Printer is not online (offline)
5)   Paper guide direction of printer is not selected properly or, not selected the same direction in which you are feeding the paper
6)   Defect printer port, printer cable or data switch you are using
7)   Power does not on in printer
8)   some other fault in printer
1)    Installed printer properly
2)    Connect tightly
3)    Make connection properly
4)    Set printer in online
5)    Select it in the same direction in which you are feeding paper
6)    Change it which one is found defective
7)    Repair power supply of printer
8)    Repair printer properly
Color Problem in Monitor

1)   Pin in monitor cable (which is fitted in display port) is bent or damaged
2)   Due to defective display card
3)   Due to incapability of display card
4)   Due to defective monitor
5)   Due to magnetic induction near to the monitor (like keeping speaker near to the monitor)
1)   Make it proper
2)   Change it
3)   Use compatible display card
4)   Repair monitor
5)   Keep this items little far from monitor
No power on while switching on computer
1)    Improper connection of power cable etc.
2)    Power on switch defective
3)    Power supply defective
1)    Connect it properly
2)    Repair or change it
3)    Repair power supply
Non system disk error when booting
1)   No system files in your HDD or no system diskette in FDD 2) If there is any diskette inserted in FDD in which there is no system files
1)   Transfer system files in HDD
2)   Remove diskette from Fdd
Windows Protection Error

1)   Due to conflict of different peripherals to one another
2)   Telephone cable connected wrongly there port of modem
3)   Telephone line dead
1)    Try to remove conflict by installing proper drivers or may have to change few peripherals if not solved by software
2)    Connect it properly
3)    Check phone line and correct it
Fatal Error Exception
1) CPU cooler is not working proper and heat the processor
Due to memory problem
1)    Change CPU cooler
2)    Change memory modules
Illegal operation problem
1) Due to software not installed properly or corrupted software files
1) Reinstall particular software properly
No. menu bar
1) Due to virus infection
1) Scan your HDD with latest virus scanner
Press F1 key to continue when computer is Run
1) Improper setting in CMOS setting
1) Check CMOS Setting
BIOS change CMOS battery 
Document cannot save
1) Due to virus infection
1) Scan HDD with latest virus scanner
Modem is not found

1)   Due to virus
2)   Due to not enough free space in HDD
3)   Due to conflict with other devices
4)   Due to defect of Modem
1)    Scan your HDD with latest Virus Scanner
2)    Delete unnecessary files in HDD
3)    Try to remove the conflict by changing IRQ setting or by installing drivers properly, or you may have to change some other peripherals also
4)    Change Modem
No dial tone is there through Modem

1)   Telephone cable is not connected in modem
2)   Telephone cable connected wrongly there in port of modem
3)   Telephone line is dead or Due to defect of Modem
1) Connect telephone cable
2) Change Modem
Windows that down problem

1)     Virus infection
2)     Due to corrupt of windows file.
3)     Parameter setup wrongly file
4)     Problem in HDD
1)    Scan your HDD with latest virus scanner
2)    Re-Install windows
3)    Set it properly
4)    Check HDD by scan disk program and try to repair otherwise you have to change HDD
Dial up connection problem

1)    Not proper setting of modem
2)    Dial up adapter in Win95/98 and TCP/IP protocols not installed
3)    Modem problem
1)   Set it properly
2)   Install all these
3)   Check and change it
Disk boot failure

1)   CMOS setting improper specially HDD type FDD type etc.
2)   No system files are there in HDD
1)    Set it properly
2)    Transfer system files HDD
CMOS setting change itself
1)    CMOS battery low
2)    CMOS battery is not charged by motherboard
1)    Change CMOS battery
2)    For that your battery have to changed the motherboard.