Today I just wake up early morning ma friend call me n ask how to create a batch program........?
JUST finished ma BREAKFAST, ok let discuss
As said earlier, batch programs can be written using any of the text editors such as notepad,
word pad and so on, but notepad is the most often used text editor in such cases. Like any other
programing languages, lets start our first program with the ‘Hello World’ program.
word pad and so on, but notepad is the most often used text editor in such cases. Like any other
programing languages, lets start our first program with the ‘Hello World’ program.
1. Open up a notepad and type the following.
@echo off
Echo Hello World
2. Save the file with any name you wish, but make sure that you save the file extension with .bat, in this case I am saving this file as ‘first.bat’.
3. When you save the batch file, then the icon becomes like the below icon,
In Windows XP, the Batch file icon looks like above, where as in Windows Vista the Icon looks like the below image,
4. Just double click to execute the batch file that you have created now. And the output looks like,
5. You are done!
Let me explain what does the above given program does,
‘echo’ is the command used to print text on the screen, so whatever that follows the echo command will be displayed on the output screen. This command is just like the ‘printf’ statement in the C language.
When you type the echo command alone, then it will tell you whether the ‘echo is ON’ or ‘echo is OFF’. It’s always recommended to turn the echo off, else it will display the prompts like (C:\>) and so on. In order to avoid the prompts being displayed, the echo is turned off by using the command “@echo off” or simply by using the “echo off”.
“Echo Hello World” will display the “Hello World” on the output screen, and the pause command is used to wait for the user interaction, whether to proceed further or not. If the pause is not used, then the batch will terminate immediately after displaying the “Hello World”.
To be cont.........